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Music CD Talking Timbuktu by Ali Farka Toure
Ali Farka Toure - Talking Timbuktu
Ali Farka Toure
Album Review
Talking Timbuktu
Label: Hannibal
Genre: World Fusion
Origin: Mali
Format: Music CD
Wiki article

Talking Timbuktu is the 1995, Grammy award-winning collaboration between guitarist Ali Farka Touré from Mali and American guitarist/producer Ry Cooder. This groundbreaking record vividly illustrates the Africa-Blues connection in real time.

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Ali Farka Toure - Talking Timbuktu

Music CD Segu Blue by Bassekou Kouyate with Ngoni ba
Bassekou Kouyate with Ngoni ba - Segu Blue
Bassekou Kouyate with Ngoni ba
Album Review
Segu Blue
Label: Out Here Records
Genre: Folk
Origin: Mali
Format: Music CD, Import
Wiki article

This is a gem. Bassekou Kouyaté is Mali's leading player of the ngoni, a simple desert lute that looks like a stocky cricket bat. It's West Africa's oldest string instrument and the ancestor of the banjo. One of the most gorgeous tracks is an instrumental with Toumani Diabate on kora. Laid-back music of the highest order.

There are samples for you to listen when you click the link below

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Bassekou Kouyate with Ngoni ba - Segu Blue

Music CD Songhai Blues: Homage to Ali Farka Toure by Samba Toure
Samba Toure - Songhai Blues: Homage to Ali Farka Toure
Samba Toure
Album Review
Songhai Blues: Homage to Ali Farka Toure
Label: Riverboat
Genre: Blues
Origin: Mali
Format: Music CD

Malian bluesman Samba Touré is a protégé of the legendary Ali Farka Touré. Touring with Farka Touré, Samba was profoundly influenced and began creating his own style of Songhai Blues. Bursting with energy, this is Samba's tribute to his mentor and the continuation of a desert blues legacy.

click here for more info about Songhai Blues: Homage to Ali Farka Toure - Samba Toure

Samba Toure - Songhai Blues: Homage to Ali Farka Toure

Music CD The Mande Variations by Toumani Diabate
Toumani Diabate  - The Mande Variations
Toumani Diabate
Album Review
The Mande Variations
Label: Nonesuch
Genre: Kora
Origin: Mali
Format: Music CD
Wiki article

The Mande Variations is Malian legend Toumani Diabat‚'s first solo recording in 20 years and it is a stunningly beautiful, immediately accessible blend of traditional melodies, original compositions and breathtaking improvisations from the world-renowned virtuoso of the kora, the 21-stringed West African harp.

Samples available for you to hear, click the link below

click here for more info about The Mande Variations - Toumani Diabate

Toumani Diabate  - The Mande Variations




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